Flights from New York

Best student & youth flights from New York to anywhere

Ready to get out of town but not sure where to go yet? Whether you only have a weekend to spare or can get away for a few weeks, we’ve got all the cheapest destinations from New York. Prices here are updated daily, so check back often to see what new deals pop up.

Find cheap flights from New York

  • in the US
  • to Europe
  • to Asia
  • to Mexico and the Caribbean
  • to Canada
  • to Africa and the Middle East
  • to South America
  • to South Pacific

Best flights from New York within the US

New York has one of the busiest airports in the US, meaning plenty of flights to other cities, whether you just want to hop down to Boston or Washington D.C. or fly all the way to Seattle or San Francisco. Some of the most popular destinations from New York include Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Orlando and Miami. What’s on sale, though? Just scroll to see.

Best flights from New York to Europe

New York is super well-connected to Europe and offers some of the cheapest flights from the US to Europe. Generally, London, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid and Reykjvik are some of the cheapest European destinations from New York. For the cheapest prices, aim to buy your ticket about 60-90 days in advance. Check out the cheapest flights from New York to Europe below:

Cheap flights from New York to Asia

Although it’s a long flight, New York is well-connected to Asia and even offers a number of nonstop flights! Fly nonstop from New York to Tokyo, Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei, Singapore and more. Of course, there’s plenty of connecting flights available too. Check out today’s cheap flights from New York to Asia.

Cheap flights from New York to Mexico and the Caribbean

Need to get away for the weekend or a spring break trip? A quick flight to Mexico or the Caribbean is a perfect quick trip to paradise. Even better, you can often find some good last-minute deals from New York to the Caribbean too.

Cheap flights from New York to Canada

Take a quick visit to our northern neighbors with a cheap flight from New York to Canada! Depending on where in Canada you’d like to go, you can usually find really good deals on flights from New York. The most popular airlines include Air Canada, American Airlines, Porter and Westjet.

Cheap flights from New York to Africa and the Middle East

Want to take a trip somewhere everyone else hasn’t been yet? There’s some really cool destinations in Africa and the Middle East that you probably haven’t considered before. Tel Aviv, Casablanca, Dubai and Cape Town are all cities where you can usually find a great deal.

Cheap flights from New York to South America

South America is a great destination for budget travelers—not only because it can be pretty cheap once you get there, but because you can usually find some really cheap flights from New York to South America, too! Head to Brazil, Peru or Ecuador on airlines like LATAM, American or Avianca.

Cheap flights from New York to Oceania/South Pacific

The South Pacific may be further away, but that doesn’t mean you can’t snag a great deal if you keep an eye out! Tickets from New York to Oceania are usually cheapest if you book 3-4 months in advance, so start looking early and then be ready to book if you see a cheap price. Sydney and Auckland are typically the cheapest places to fly into.

When is the best time to find cheap flights from New York to anywhere?

The best way to find cheap flights from New York is to start searching early and be flexible with your travel dates. Even if you just have a day or two of flexibility, that can help a lot. Try to travel during the off-season or shoulder season of your destination as well.

The cheapest times to buy domestic flights from New York is typically about 30-90 days in advance; for international, 2-4 months in advance is a good range. Generally, the further you’re flying, the sooner you should start looking for your ticket. And wherever you’re going, check back often to catch the cheapest prices!

To make sure you never miss out on cheap flights, sign up for price alerts (if you’re eyeing a specific route) or for our emails (if you just want updates on all our relevant sales).

map of united states

Frequently asked questions about flying from New York

How can I get the cheapest flights from New York to anywhere?

Where is the cheapest place to fly to from New York?

Where can you fly direct from New York?

Can I get cheap flights from New York last-minute?