Flights from Atlanta

Cheap student and youth flights from Atlanta to anywhere

Know you’re ready to take a trip, but simply can’t choose where you want to go? Fly away for the weekend or for the month to some of the cheapest destinations out of Atlanta. Prices here are updated daily, so check back often to see what new deals pop up. And remember, our members save the most with exclusive rates and sales.

Find cheap flights from Atlanta

  • in the US
  • to Europe
  • to Asia
  • to Mexico and the Caribbean
  • to Canada
  • to Africa and the Middle East
  • to South America
  • to South Pacific

Cheap flights from Atlanta around the US

Atlanta is literally the busiest airport in the world. What that means for you is that you can pretty easily get to just about everywhere. Whether you want to head up to New York, over to Hawaii or Las Vegas, or more nearby to Florida, you can find great prices. Don’t believe us, see for yourself below:

Cheap flights from Atlanta to Europe

Atlanta is surprisingly quite connected to lots of spots in Europe. You’ll find nonstop options to places like London, Frankfurt, or Istanbul, from which you’ll be able to make connections to just about everywhere else. Check out the cheapest flight options from ATL to Europe blow:

Cheap flights from Atlanta to Mexico and the Caribbean

From winter getaways, spring break, short weekends or longer trips, Mexico and the Caribbean are perfect spots to experience paradise. What’s better is that you can find some great cheap trips from Atlanta to places like Puerto Vallarta and Cancun, or the Bahamas, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico. See the current best prices below:

Cheap flights from Atlanta to Canada

Looking to head north to the likes of Montreal, Toronto, or Calgary? You can find some really great deals depending on the destination you're aiming for. Air Canada operates through Atlanta, and you’ll also see flights heading to Canada with United Airlines and American Airlines. See below for the cheapest flights right now:

Cheap flights from Atlanta to Asia

Atlanta isn’t widely connected to the Asian continent, but there are still lots of connections you can make to get there. If you are desperate for a nonstop flight to Asia, ATL has direct flights to Seoul and Tokyo. See the current flight deals for Asia from Atlanta:

Cheap flights from Atlanta to Africa and the Middle East

Maybe less popular for tourists, but still exciting and super cool, Africa and the Middle East could make the perfect next trip for you. Although Atlanta isn’t hugely well connected to these areas, you’ll find flights to Cape Town, Tel Aviv, and Doha, or can score a connection to somewhere else too. See the latest deals here:

Cheap flights from Atlanta to South America

South America is an awesome place to head to if you’re looking for budget travel. Take flights out of Atlanta for places like Brazil, Argentina, Chile, or Peru. Hop flights with airlines such as LATAM Airlines, United Airlines, and Copa Airlines. See the the latest best offers on flights from Atlanta to South America here:

Cheap flights from Atlanta to Oceania/South Pacific

Although you won’t see direct nonstop flights from Atlanta to the South Pacific, you’ll still find lots of options with great connections. To get the best deals, you’re going to want to book like 3-4 months in advance. The cheapest cities to fly into are generally Sydney and Auckland. See the cheapest flights from Atlanta to Oceania and the South Pacific below:

When is the best time to find cheap flights from Atlanta?

When shopping for flights out of Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, the simplest way to find the best deals is to be flexible and search early. Flexibility in dates and also in locations will allow you to find the best of the best options and potentially score a killer deal. Searching early ensures two things: you’ll be able to monitor the prices on the flights you're interested in case they go down, and you’ll be able to purchase your flight before the prices go up from a lack of availability.

For domestic flights, aim to book between 1-3 months in advance. For international travel, book closer to 3-6 months ahead of time. If you have the flexibility to, flights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays are often cheaper than say a Friday when there are more travelers trying to get away for the weekend.

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Frequently asked questions about flying from Atlanta

How long is the flight from Atlanta to…?

Is the Atlanta airport hard to navigate?

How long do I need for a layover in ATL?