Record Breaking April

Best April Ever

Student travel is alive and well! 2013 is off to a good start and we’ve broken several records so far this year. Having been in this business for more than a decade there’s one marketing-metric that we keep a close eye on; new members. It’s pretty simple really – when students like our service, they tell their friends. So, we’re psyched to report that April, 2013 was our best month ever for new members.

Why and how? Well, without sharing too much here we’re seeing record breaking traffic numbers (up ~50% year over year) and great results from partner-marketing as well. Our partners understand the value of price differentiation and the future value of our audience. With demand for international travel returning to healthier levels we’re seeing growth in demand for our services.

That’s all. A little bragging, but hey, it’s fun when hard work pays off.

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