
Favorite Smartphone Apps


Most of download a lot of applications. We use our smartphones actively every day, but what are the best apps out there? We asked some of our team members to share. 

For me, the reminder app is a life-saver.  For someone who sometimes has lists for lists, it’s great to be able to put in the little things I have to do or remember, and then have it pop up and alert me.  I always have my iPhone with me and the reminder app makes it so I no longer have to write stuff down on little pieces of paper or my hand.  It’s my fav!

I’m a fan of smart shopping apps like Red Laser and Google Shopper. I can scan an item that I’m considering purchasing in-store and immediately find out if it would be cheaper to buy online and where. It’s a great way to bring the comparison shopping model offline.


You mean aside from flatulence apps? Well, recently, I’ve been enjoying iMotion HD. In high school, I made a stop motion movie where chess pieces on a chess board battle each other–knight pieces jousted, rooks collided with one another and broke into smaller pieces, and a queen guns down a line of pawns, execution style. Total nerd carnage. This took me months to do on my school’s VHS editing console. For a couple of dollars it takes the heavy lifting out of stop motion animation and allows you to focus on creating a story. And, it let’s you do this in 720p HD.

I love the Pageonce app. It combines all my bills and bank accounts on one easy screen, and allows me to pay my bills with one click. Not to mention how easy it is to use.

What’s your app? Please comment below…

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