Traveling the world is not that simple. Many of us wish it, but few of us actually accomplish it. It is out of the ordinary for a person to have a fixed job and be able to explore the world at the same time. Most people desire security, and they prefer having a nine to five instead of backpacking. And that is completely understandable. What most people don’t think about is that there is actually a way to do both: work and travel. Doesn’t that sound perfect? Writing is the missing link between the two. Travel writing is the perfect way to earn money as you travel.

In theory, being a writer sounds easy. Social media has grown so much lately that there is no better time to start a blogging career. Internet opens so many gates for writers. Talented writers have a big chance of maintaining a substantial online audience nowadays. And that is great, because traveling not only offers the opportunity to explore, but also gives writers the inspiration they need.

Now let’s take a look at how you can travel and write at the same time, and how these two match perfectly together. I’ll give you some tips and advice on travel writing. If you have any other inquires, leave a comment!


Begin with Journaling

If you don’t know how to begin travel writing, try journaling first. While you are still at home and preparing to leave for your journey, write down your habits and adventures in a notebook. Keep some type of a diary filled with interesting stories and add a new story to it at the end of each day.

It doesn’t matter that you had a boring day. Write down how you felt and what happened. That is how you practice, and that’s how you realize if you are passionate about what you are doing. Writing is not for everybody. If you find it constantly difficult to do it, maybe it is not for you. Even if you are passionate about traveling, you don’t necessarily have to be passionate about writing. They connect for most of us, but not for all. Make sure you are aware of this before leaving, otherwise you might have an unpleasant experience.


Paying Attention to Detail

When we travel, we experience so many new things – like new cultures, new food and new stories. Writing about all that is happening to you will increase your awareness of the things around you. For instance, if I travel to Paris and see a couple getting married on the Eiffel Tower, writing about it will give me the opportunity to see details unnoticeable to me before.

I will pay more attention to what is happening around me, and understand my experience with a different, better perspective. Don’t worry if you are going to have difficulties paying attention to details at first – that’s what happens to all the beginners. Have patience and trust yourself!


Reading is a great way to improve your writing skills. When you read, pay attention to other writers’ styles. Underline what you like and use them further in your own writing. You do not need to reinvent the wheel in order to be successful. Read and get inspired by your peers.

You can also read books on traveling and blogging (even travel writing itself!), or strategy and business. The more you read, the better you get. Reading increases your consciousness about your own writing style, and makes you better at communicating your experiences with your peers.


Think Outside the Box

When you brainstorm ideas, think differently. Consider all the interesting things that happened during the day and pick one that has the most value to you. When you expand on it, be exotic. For example, if the most fascinating activity you’ve done one day is Zumba, don’t go on and talk only about dancing. That is boring and does not attract your readers.

Instead, make a parallel between Zumba dancing and life. Explain why dancing moves connect to daily activities. Use metaphors and hyperboles if needed. Keep your diary entries interesting! It is practice for your future adventures, remember? You will need to be able to transmit your feelings and emotions to your readers. Travel writing is one of the best ways to bring a change into the world, and show people how differently they could actually live.

Consider Investing

Now that you have seen how well writing and traveling go together, you need to find a way to convey your messages to the public. Where are you going to write? How are you going to share your experiences? Here are some ideas.

  • Think about blogging – would you like to invest in that? Would you be happy if you did? Can you come up with interesting topics and articles?
  • Think about freelancing – on of the best ways to share your stories and make money in the same time.
  • Consider opening up your own website page.
  • Take in consideration the possibility of writing a book. The more you see, the more you can write about! Your topics will be so interesting and full of enthusiasm.

Practice Writing in Your Free Time

If you travel to India and experience an East Asian Buddhist ceremony, write about it! If you go to Transylvania and learn about Dracula and vampires, write about it! No matter what you do, practice writing all of the time.

Darius Barrington, CEO at AussieWritings and sales manager at The Green Leaf, shares his opinion. “I believe the best way to explore this humongous world is to write. Writing connect all the dots on the map. You experience new cultures, you write about it. You talk to new people, you write about it. And when you write about it, everything connects so much better in your mind. By writing, you relive the experience, and remember it for the rest of your life.”


Traveling will give you the inspiration you need to write, and writing will give you the opportunity to remember everything you’ve experienced. Whether you are a blogger or an author, being a writer makes you more mindful of the world around you – and isn’t this the most we can get of our lives anyways?

Olivia Ryan

Olivia is a journalist who always tries to see the bright side of things. She likes to inspire people in her writings and to enjoy a mysterious beauty of twilight.


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