Back to school

Back to school 2023

Find all the best back to school travel deals right here

Whether you’re shopping for that flight to campus, that flight overseas for a semester abroad, or just trying to squeeze in one last trip before the school work gets going - there are lots of great deals to be had.

Back to school travel tips

The back-to-school season is always so busy. You’re trying to soak in every assignment-free moment, but you also have so many new things to buy for your dorm and you are trying to arrange move-in dates with your roomies. Don’t let the long to-do list keep you from having some fun. We’ve got a few travel tips perfect for those last-minute back to school getaways and travel essentials for back-to-school season.

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    Packing cubes are your new best friend.

    If you don’t have them already, they really are live saving. Use them on your fun trips to pack more stuff into small spaces (which can help you avoid the fees of checking a bag). But they are also great for moving into your dorm so that you aren’t lugging so many bins up those 3 flights of stairs 😅

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    Make use of the back to school travel discounts.

    Because our focus is on students, we also make sure our sales are timed right for students. You can be sure that we have extra discounting on our already low student fares during all those peak booking times like back to school, winter break, spring break, summer travel, and more.

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    Go ahead and book that trip.

    There are tons of options for affordable back to school trips. And just because you’ve moved into the dorm doesn’t necessarily mean you need to stop traveling either. If you’ve planned your class schedule well, you’ll likely have at least 3 days each weekend perfect for a quick weekend getaway. So take those new best friends on a fun trip off campus. Enjoy the hotel pool, explore a near (or far) city, or soak in some fresh mountain air.

Best places to travel before school starts

Last-minute back to school vacations are all about taking in one last moment of relaxation and peace before midterms and essays and dreaded group projects make their way into your life. So why not find your way to a warm, sunny beach or a cool, quiet mountaintop? It’s also a great time to take in new experiences! So don’t be shy and sign up for that cooking class or travel to a country where you don’t speak the language. Travel is education. And you can quote us on that*!

*Here, we even made your citations for you!
APA: StudentUniverse. (2023). Back to school flight deals.
MLA: Back to school flight deals. (2023). In StudentUniverse.

Best flight prices back to campus

Sorry we can’t be mind readers. We don’t know exactly where you’re headed for school. But we found our best back-to-school prices for some of the biggest university cities around the country so we hope this helps :) If not, go ahead and get to searching for your city above.

Frequently asked questions

How far in advance should I book my back-to-school travel arrangements?

How can I make the most of a short back-to-school vacation?

Is it a good idea to travel before school starts?

What are some popular back-to-school travel destinations for solo travelers?