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Price Alerts

real-time price change notifications on the flights you want

It's time to make things easier for yourself. Save your time (and your money!) by setting up flight price alerts on the trips you're looking to book. When the price changes, we'll let you know—like immediately. Make sure you're checking your email inbox, or better yet, download our app and enable push notifications so you don't miss out on that perfect price moment. This could be your new cheapest way to get a last-minute flight or your favorite way to book early for low fares on your flight.

Ready to get started? Here's how to use price alerts to get cheap flights:

Price alerts on the web

1. Just like always: Start your flight search on our site. Put in your origin and destination, as well as your departure and return dates

2. Look right: Once the flight options have loaded, you'll see a box in the lower right of your screen. Here's where you can sign up for the flight price alert!

If you're logged in, the email you signed up with will be pre populated into the box. You can leave it as is, or click in and change it to a different email address. If you aren't logged into our site, the box will be blank, ready for you to enter your email in.

Price alerts in the app

0.5 Download our app: Besides buying flights and hotels and seeing your booked itineraries, you can also use our app to notify you if the airline ticket prices drop. So go ahead, download the StudentUniverse app now (it's free). You're also going to want to make sure your push notifications are turned on in your phone settings. This way, you'll get the flight price alert sent right to your phone!

1. Just like always: Start your flight search on our site. Put in your origin and destination, as well as your departure and return dates

2. Choose one of the flights: Click in and take a peek at that flight's itinerary.

3. Back it up: Click the back arrow in the top left of your screen.

4. Price alerts popping in: A pop up will show up on your screen. Here's where you can sign up for the flight price alert!

If you're logged in, the email you signed up with will be pre populated into the box. You can leave it as is, or click in and change it to a different email address. If you aren't logged into our site, the box will be blank, ready for you to enter your email in.

5. That's it! You've signed up. Now you'll get emails sent when the price changes on your flight. We won't send them every day necessarily because we know you don't want your inbox cluttered with $1 fare changes. But we will send you emails whenever the price changes a good amount that way you can decide when it's booking time.

Some pro tips on using price alerts to track flight prices:

  • Sign up for a bunch! If you've got some itinerary flexibility, sign up for flight price alerts on any of the date combinations you are thinking about traveling during. Same goes for if you have flexibility for departure airports or for destinations. This way you'll get an update about when flight rates drop for all the flights you are interested in!
  • Track as early as you can. The sooner you set up flight price alerts, the more likely you will be to see more price changes. You'll have more time to be catching sales and different fare changes meaning you'll also have more opportunities to find that perfect price.