Compare Flights - Flight deals & discounts

Why compare?

We're confident that as a student, you'll get the best flight deals when booking with StudentUniverse. But to make things a little easier, we've created this tool so you can compare us against other websites out there. Just enter the trip you want and select which websites to compare against. Your bank account will thank us.

Our best deals you can book right now

We've sourced some of the best fares we have going on right now so can find that trip at an amazing price

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Why shop with StudentUniverse

Student travel discounts

Exclusive rates for students & young adults on flights & hotels

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Members save more. Verified students save the most.

24/7 customer service

It's not just our discounts that make us the #1 rated student travel brand!

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Travel resources to help make the most of your next adventure

Cheapest places to fly right now
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How to get free wifi on your flight
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Hacks for flying internationally
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Frequently asked questions about booking flights

How do I compare flight prices?

If you are looking to book your flight at the cheapest price possible, then it's definitely best practice to compare airfare prices before booking - and you can do this right from StudentUniverse! When you are starting a search or even after you're looking at flight results, you can compare your searched routed on our site versus a variety of others. Just look for the check boxes under the search box or on the left side of your screen with the flight filters. Another easy way to compare flight prices is to input your desired travel dates and destinations, including international and domestic options, and then select “flexible” to begin a flexible date search. This will allow you to compare different departure and return dates and can help you find hundreds of dollars of savings. You can also keep an eye out for last minute deals or a promo code offer, particularly if you're flexible with when or where you're going. Additionally, consider signing up for fare price alerts so that you'll get an email when the price on your desired route changes to stay informed about discount opportunities. Whether you're planning a round trip to Cape Town or maybe a quick getaway to Las Vegas or Hawaii, these tools can help you navigate the air ticket market with ease, ensuring you find the cheapest fares available.

Should I wait to book my flight?

Whether it's best to wait for booking your flight depends on how far away your trip is and where your trip will take you. Generally, the optimal time frame to book airline tickets varies by domestic versus international travel. For domestic flights, booking around 3 weeks to 3 months in advance often yields the best fares, while for international travel, it's more around 2 to 8 months ahead. While last-minute deals and timely promo code discounts can sometimes emerge, it's typically better to plan and book in advance to guarantee availability and secure lower prices. If your trip is still farther away, you can get yourself a good deal by staying organized and monitoring those airline tickets prices. That way you increase your chances of snagging the most competitive fares, whether you're jetting off to Bora Bora or Manila.

How does StudentUniverse work?

You can find a detailed explanation on just exactly how we bring you those good deals right here, but if you want the short summary, this is it: We work with airlines to negotiate discounted flight deals especially for students and young adults. We know that travel is educational and can truly be life changing so we want to help make it happen for you even on your ramen noodle budget. So if you are a student, make sure you get your account verified as so, that way you'll see those discounted fares. And if you aren't a student or young adult - don't panic! Anyone can book a trip with us and anyone can use our promo code sales. So get searching and you might just get lucky!

How can I find the cheapest flight using StudentUniverse?

Looking for the cheapest flights possible? Well you've certainly come to the right place. Start by entering your travel details, including destinations like New York or Johannesburg. If you're currently enrolled at a college or university, verify your student status on your StudentUniverse account to unlock exclusive discounts. You can explore various airline options (everyone from RyanAir, to AirAsia, to United Airlines and a lot more) and routes using our search results filters and flexible search tools. Keep an eye out for promo offers and discount codes to save even more on your airfare. We'll post about them on our socials and we also share them in our newsletter. You can also download our app! Not only can you search and book on the go, but we'll also send out the occasional push notification for current deals you don't want to miss. Whether it's a spontaneous getaway or a carefully planned trip, StudentUniverse helps you find budget-friendly flight prices.

Is StudentUniverse just for students?

NO! Everyone can book with StudentUniverse. The “Student” part of our name is because we focus hard on getting deals that are just for students and young adults, deals you won't see elsewhere. But we think that travel is for everyone and anyone should be able to get a discounted trip. So while you can generally expect that our more exclusive deals are only going to be visible for verified student account users, anyone is welcome to search and book on our site (and use our sales and promo codes too!).

Is StudentUniverse legit?

*Looks left* *Looks right* *Looks down* *Looks up* Yup we are! Since 2000, millions of users have booked with us and have saved big. Want to see some of the cheapest flights ever booked? Or maybe you'd rather scroll through some reviews of verified users to see just what the experience is like booking on StudentUniverse. And sorry if we're a little snarky about getting asked if we're legit, we get that a lot and just wish everyone knew that student travel deals are a real thing and a great resource to not be giving big airline more than you have to.

How does StudentUniverse find such low flight prices?

StudentUniverse has low flight prices for one specific reason: we've put in the work! We negotiate hard with airlines to bring the best fares possible right to you. We have a big mission of making travel accessible on a small student budget and know that the only way to make that happen is to make the trip cheaper. So from your flight to your hotel, we spend every day behind the scenes keeping those prices as low as possible. And our blog is also filled with resources for you on how to budget for trips, cheap activities to do in different destinations, what destinations are currently cheapest to book a trip to, and so much more.