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The Impact of Covid-19 on Student Travelers

Asian tourist with luggage ,wearing mask to prevent during travel time at the airport terminal for protect from the new Coronavirus 2019 infection outbreak situation

Student travelers in the US are one of the many groups of people adversely impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, but a recent survey of these travelers reveals their continued resilience and commitment to travel.

We know student travelers were extremely impacted by the virus as schools called home study abroad students and closed their campuses all during one of the busiest travel seasons for students (Spring Break). 79% of the surveyed students had to cancel or delay a planned trip because of the virus. 43% still have future travel plans that have not yet been canceled. Students who have a trip not yet canceled are, understandably, extremely concerned that the virus will impact their travel plans.

However, there is some good news. While students have been so strongly impacted, they are still showing a desire to travel as soon as they can. 64.5% of students who have had to cancel or delay a trip are still planning to take their trip within the next year. 88.2% of students expect that they will travel again within the next year (49.6% within the next six months). While many would expect travelers to stay closer to home due to the pandemic, 61.3% of respondents said they are planning for their next trip to be international.

So what are students doing in the meantime? They’re keeping busy with online classes, connecting with others online, catching up on their streaming services, exercising and working. And like so many of us, they’re feeling a lot of emotions, mainly uncertainty, stress, and anxiety, but also hope, optimism, and just plain boredom.

These travelers also had a lot of questions about how the coronavirus is impacting their travel, which StudentUniverse has attempted to answer as best we can for them here.

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