Corporate Blog

2014: Student Travel by the Numbers

Student travelers are critical stakeholders in the tourism industry. They make up twenty percent of all arrivals in the travel industry today, and by 2020, 300 million+ student-travel related arrivals are expected; a number that will represent a quarter of total tourism.

What we have found is that what used to be considered adventurous is now becoming the norm for student travelers. Patterns have been changing for the last decade and they will continue to do so this year. This means that students are not only going farther, but also changing their main reason for travel. Where visiting landmarks used to drive decisions, experiences are now the primary driver.

Our infographic below showcases student travel patterns and frequency in 2014, based on our booking data.  2014 was a record year for us at StudentUniverse. We look forward to helping students see new places on their “bucket lists” in 2015.

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