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Favorite Business Books

Mike - CCO

We asked a few of our team members one simple question; what’s your favorite business book, and why? This is what we got back. 

I would have to say Good to Great, by Jim CollinsI like the Culture of Discipline concept and the Fly Wheel concept.  I have never identified with any business book as much as I did with Good to Great.  I have seen the concepts play out in both businesses that I owned and others that I have worked for (both market leaders in their segments).

Chad - VP

Need to read more, but the classics are classics for a reason. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. If you want to be good at what you do you need to start by examining yourself and how you interact with others.  This book helps that and divide out the characteristics of effective people.  I believe this book has not only helped me grow in business, but also personally

I would say The Tipping Point. I’m a big fan of Gladwell. One of the excerpts from the book that I constantly consider and point out to our brands is how a small group of influencers can start a chain reaction that can spread to a nation or worldwide trend. In the book, one of the examples given is when Hush Puppies became wildly popular in the 90s after a fashion forward group in New York City who were very much in the college scene, started wearing the, at the time, dwindling brand. Since they had a certain influence on fashion it ended up getting noticed all over and creating a viral effect of Hush Puppies being the “it” thing to wear in less than a year.

Time and time again, we are seeing college students as influencers and making a big impact for brands not only within their own social circles and associated demographics, but far beyond to groups that they have little to no similarities with. I get excited knowing the students we connect brands with have a significant enough power to completely change a style or behavior in such a short amount of time.

What’s your favorite business book? Please comment below…

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