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StudentUniverse on Fox News

Student travel trends - Atle Skalleberg
Atle on Fox News

Our EVP, Atle Skalleberg recently weighed in on student travel trends and deals on FOX News. As the authority on individual student travel we were happy to discuss some of the trends as we see them. 

See the student travel video.

Student Travel Trends

  1. World wide travel – We are talking about a generation that has grown up with airline deregulation, discount airlines, global airline alliances and treaties that make flying between countries easier. This Facebook generation thinks of the world as their playground and they are not afraid to go further than their parents did. They have credit cards and they book online in minutes – what used to be a big deal is now easy.
  2. “Meaningful” travel has grown fast – Universities, students and parents are getting behind study abroad. More and more students want the language skills as well as international experience on their resumes. Several independent surveys show it makes it a lot easier to get a good job. Volunteering and teaching abroad is also something we see more of.
  3. Almost recession proof – Students have to travel. To and from school, for their semester abroad or the spring break trip they are not willing to give up. Student travel has been a very resilient market during the economic downturn, with travel among 16- to 29-year-olds dropping a scant 0.3% from 2008 to 2009, according to a study by the World Youth Student & Educational Travel Confederation. StudentUniverse continued to grow rapidly during the recession.

What We Expect Going Forward

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