Flights from Asia

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Flights from Asia to the US

Book your own flight to the US or book for your parents and friends. We've got you covered with our discount fares.

Origin Destination One-way (from)*
Shanghai Los Angeles $167
Guangzhou Los Angeles $239
Seoul Los Angeles $272
Shanghai Boston $280
Beijing Los Angeles $282
Beijing Chicago $328
Taipei New York $447
Hong Kong New York $532

Flights from Asia to the rest of the world

Take a spontaneous winter trip somewhere new. We've also got cheap summer vacation flights from Asia to the whole world!

Origin Destination Roundtrip (from)*
Bangkok Phuket $46
Kota Kinabalu Kuching $102
Osaka Tokyo $145
Singapore Taipei $207
Singapore Chennai $290
Osaka Ho Chi Minh City $384

Flights to the US for parents

Your parents can book on our site too! Just make sure you choose "Adult fares" in the filter. Bring them to the States and do some exploring while they're here.