Book cheap student flights

Exclusive pricing for students. Discounts for all travelers.

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Book cheap student flights

Exclusive pricing for students. Discounts for all travelers.

Trending flight destinations

Prices are roundtrip*

How to find cheap flights

Did you know you can get discount flights just for being a student? We’ve got discounts on domestic and international flights for students and anyone under 26. Wondering how to find cheap plane tickets?

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Best flight prices right now

Domestic flights

International flights

Best times to buy cheap flights

When’s the best time to buy airline tickets? It depends! The cheapest time to buy domestic flights is usually about a month in advance. The cheapest time to buy international flights is usually 3-4 months in advance. Start looking early and use promo codes to get the best deals! We have several sales every month, but our biggest sales of the year happen on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Frequently asked questions

Do students get discounts on flights?

How can I find cheap flights?

How can a student travel cheap?

Can you use StudentUniverse if you're not a student?

When are flights cheapest?

How do you get promo codes for flights?

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