From flights to hotels and more, we focus on finding cheap travel options when you need them, where you need them.
Our verified student members save the most by unlocking exclusive discounts and hidden student fares not available for the public.
We work with 220+ airlines to negotiate special prices and unique discounts, just for you.
Our partnership with Prime Student brings our already-discounted flights and hotels to Prime Student members—with even steeper savings on every purchase.
When you use your Amazon Prime Student account to book travel on StudentUniverse, you’ll save up to an extra 10% off flights (many of which may already be discounted). You’ll also get 10% off each hotel booked through us in the form of an Gift Card. And you’ll automatically get free access to our premium customer support on every booking which means you’ll have priority customer assistance and shorter response times.
You need to create your own Amazon Prime Student account. These benefits are only available to Prime Student members.
Nope, when you click the link on our Amazon offer page, you will be asked to sign in with your Prime Student account. Once that happens, we will send you back here and automatically create a StudentUniverse account for you. All you have to do is search, save and book your next trip!
Just head over to our offer page on Amazon where you can log in or sign up for a 6-month trial to Prime Student. Then it’s booking as usual! You’ll still have access to all the great discounts and promo codes you’re used to seeing, along with even more discounts with Prime Student.
You can expect to see your digital Gift Card in your email within 5 business days after travel has been completed. If you still haven’t seen your Gift Card in your email after this time, you can contact StudentUniverse premium customer support for help (contact details were included in your original confirmation email).
For our regular benefits, as long as your Prime Student membership is active, you will get up to an additional 10% off StudentUniverse discounts as a Prime Student member. If you cancel your Prime Student membership, you will lose access to these additional discounts.
You'll need to head over to our offer page on Amazon where you can log in or sign up for a 6-month trial. We’ll automatically connect your StudentUniverse account with your Prime Student account if you're using the same email address. If you don’t have a StudentUniverse account, we'll create one for you.
Nope, sorry. These are student-only deals as verified by Amazon, exclusive for Prime Student members. But you can still shop discounted flights on our website.
For our regular membership, you must be the lead traveler on the booking. So if your friend is traveling with you, you’re allowed to book for up to 9 people at once when using the same credit card. You will need to know your friends legal name, date of birth and passport country.
Unfortunately, your friend cannot use your account to book without you, but they can sign up for their own Prime Student account!
If you have questions about your travel or booking process, contact StudentUniverse
If you have questions about your Prime Student membership, contact Amazon
1Amazon Prime Student Flight Discount Terms: This promotion entitles you to a discount up to 10% off the list price (total fare including taxes and fees) of all flights booked on the StudentUniverse site by a Prime Student Member, with a minimum discount of $5.00. Offer not valid on insurance or previously booked flights. Offer is not transferable. Offer not valid on Flights booked through StudentUniverse app. Must be an Amazon Prime Student active account holder and must be logged in at time of purchase. Limited time offer.
2Amazon Prime Student Hotel Discount Terms: This promotion entitles you to an electronic Gift Card with a value equal to 10% of the purchase price (excluding tax) of the hotel, as applicable, to the Prime Student Member. Offer not valid on insurance or previously booked hotels. Offer is not transferable. Offer not valid on StudentUniverse app. Must be an Amazon Prime Student active account holder and must be logged in at time of purchase. The electronic Gift Card will be distributed to the email address on file within 5 business days of the scheduled completion of the hotel stay. Gift Card restrictions apply, see Limited time offer.
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